Fancy how a young timid girl who once contemplated taking her own life after seeing no purpose for it, thinking that people live only to die, would eventually mature into womanhood knowing now that every breath that puffs out of her lungs each morning is but God’s mercy and grace. Every single day now comes with a battle for holiness – a war between a redeemed soul against flesh accursed – yet never fearing, never losing hope for, as promised, the battle isn’t hers but of her King who has already overcome the world. Every single day is like being thrown into a fiery furnace heated seven times, yet not scorched, rather she’s being refined, and her Savior is with her at all times. Every single day now comes with a glorious hope, that after being redeemed from Egypt, everything of Egypt will be stripped off of her, although painfully so at times, until she is made worthy to enter the Promised Land and dwell in the presence of her King.

Yes, fancy a young timid girl who had no purpose – finding such treasure in Christ. And how great is her hope – that a day will come, after being made holy and glorified in Christ – the LORD indeed shall bless her and keep her, make His face shine upon her and be gracious to her, that He would lift up His countenance on her and give her peace.

As she awaits for another dawn, another taste of new mercies and grace – her heart has one desire (which she hopes will be for the rest of her earthly life) – that God's Name be hallowed, and His will be done.

@attickat 4.24.16🎈


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