I've learned a lot reading through the books of Exodus and Leviticus, specifically with regards to God's sovereign authority (i will elaborate more regarding my notes on my next post).

I summed up Leviticus 26:1-13 to this: obey GOD and He will take care of you.

He will provide for you, give you peace, keep you safe, give you His favor... and more significantly (and intimately) God said: I WILL LIVE AMONG YOU... I will walk among you; I will be your God, and you will be my people.

Just the thought that God, who created the entire universe, would be "for me" and would personally take care of me as I walk in obedience and submission to Him and His authority...then who/what can be against me? If I put my confidence in this majestic God then I can definitely "rejoice in the Lord always!" (Philippians 4:4)

I believe it all falls down to faith. Do we trust God enough that we could confidently entrust our whole life to Him? Or rather, do we know God enough to trust Him at all?

How can we have faith on a God we do not know, much more to respond to His command to obey Him, if we would not even take time to open up our Bibles to find out?

Let's quit being spoon-fed in our churches and take time to pray and study the Bible on our own. Let's get to know our GOD whom we say we're obeying. He is worth it, I promise you! He is worthy!



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